1867 Society

The 1867 Society was created in 2020 to recognize individuals who have made a significant impact on our mission through their lifetime giving of $10,000 or more. Since our founding in 1867, it has been generous donors like these who have made it possible for St. Paul's to grow and transform, while maintaining our charitable mission to help those in need in our communities.
The 1867 Society is made up of a diverse group of residents, resident family members, board members, staff and community members who selflessly give to ensure residents have a meaningful and enriching life at St. Paul's.
How to Become a Member
Once your cumulative giving to St. Paul's reaches a total of $10,000, you will be invited to join the 1867 Society.
If you'd like to know your current cumulative giving total or would like more information about the 1867 Society, please contact Dawn Hartman, Director of Strategic Giving, at 724-589-4611 or dhartman@sp1867.org.
Benefits of Membership
- Recognition in St. Paul's publications and on the website
- A framed Certificate of Membership
- Logoed membership apparel
- Invitation to an annual members-only spring reception for an exclusive update on what's happening at St. Paul's and what's on the horizon
- Invitation to other special events
St. Paul's 1867 Society:
David & Christine Abell
Doug & Lori Anderson
Lyle & Susan Anderson
Anonymous Donors (3)
Bonnie Barr
Dr. Mary Ellen Bayuk
Paul & Mary Blattner
William & Judy Celik
James & Lynn Chuey
Don & Rita Clemente
Steve & Gail Cochoff
Dr. Victor & Andrea Colaiaco
Joseph A. & Joyce L. (Loreno) Dalfonzo
Dale & Barbara Deist
George J. Dickson Jr. & Dr. Victoria Vaughan Dickson
Rev. Nancy Dunmire
Michael & Camille Evans
Jim & Barb Grove
Lenny & Tammy Lininger Hause
Margie Hays
Marjorie Heppner
Nina Hillery
Sandy Hittle
Jean Hodge
Steve & Carol Hosmer
Brian & Cynthia Hughes
Dr. Patricia Jarrett
LaWanda Johnston
David Jones
Dick Jones
Bill & Connie Kirker
W. Edwin & Mary Langbein
Russell & Sue Lauffer
Brian Mailliard
Gail Maycher
Paul Mayne
Geraldine M. McElree
Harry & Judith McElwain
David McWhirter
Dr. Irv & Mimi Milheim
Joy Monty
John & Mary Moore
John & Helen Nichols
Darrell & Sue Anderson Nicklin
G. Bryan & Kathy Oros
Michael & Marti Pechnyo
Dr. Dean Poolos
Larry A. Redfoot
John & Dorothy Rust
Walter & Kathleen Rust
James & Lucy Shaffer
Bretton & Stacey Walberg
Jeff & Brenda Wallace
Janet Walther
D. Michael & Barbara Walton
J.P. & Kathleen Walton
Diane O’Brien Webster
Jim & Jackie Weyman
Thomas “Chip” & Shirley White