Residents Donate Comfort Kits to Greenville Police Department
Thursday, September 09, 2021
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Nearly 20 sets of stuffed animals and soft fleece blankets were donated to the Greenville Police Department by residents in The Colony at St. Paul’s.
These comfort kits can be used to comfort children who may be involved in traumatic or uncomfortable situations. Officers can keep the kits in their patrol cars for easy access and present them to children to put them at ease.
A group of residents who live in The Colony – the independent living neighborhood at St. Paul’s – formed a social sewing group several months ago. The “Sew N Sews” received a large donation of fleece fabric in colorful patterns and colors and decided to create child-sized blankets. They then held a “teddy bear” drive in the neighborhood and collected new and gently loved stuffed animals to put the kits together.